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Java Summit - Powered by EPAM

Writer's picture: Tech WeekTech Week

All types of matters linger on our minds: How intense is the debate on Micronaut and Quarkus versus Spring Boot? Is Java 17 here and set for mass adoption? Which are the new tools for Unit testing? These and a lot more on Java Summit. Expect to see some of the most talented in their field at the summit and get answers to your questions. Join us, upgrade your know-how and boost your career at Bucharest Tech Week 2022!

When and Where?

📅 At Radisson Blu Hotel, Bucharest, but also on MyConnector, on June 17.

The big official summit opening is going to be on June 14, in the company of Ovidiu Șutac, Director, Country Head, EPAM and Florin Manolescu, Co-founder, Academia Testarii, which will be our Moderator as well.

With such an amazing opening ceremony, we will just say - Welcome to Java Summit at Buchatest Tech Week 2022!

What do we have for you this year?

🟠 09:45 – 10:30 Martin Lippert, Spring Tools Lead & Sustainability Ambassador VMware

Bootiful Spring Tooling for the Masses

This hands-on, live-coding session will show you how to use Spring-specific tooling in your favorite IDE to be super productive when working on Spring Boot applications. We’ll demonstrate all the additional help to create, understand, and navigate your Spring code, including super-fast navigation across Spring definitions, deep understanding of your Spring code, and more. We’ll dive into the details of how information from live running Spring Boot apps will appear in your IDE and cover working with Docker and the container image support from Spring Boot for a unique and seamless experience in your day-to-day coding work. The live coding will feature Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and GitHub Codespaces - including the most sophisticated Spring tooling available for those IDEs - to make every attendee more productive implementing applications on top of Spring Boot.

🟠 10:30 – 11:15 Álvaro Sánchez, Principal Member of Technical Staff

Implementing Kubernetes operators in Java with Micronaut

Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full stack Java framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications Micronaut supports a wide range of technologies, one of which is Kubernetes, allowing application developers to write cloud-native applications that are to be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, and can benefit from features such as distributed configuration and service discovery. One of the features of the Micronaut Kubernetes module is the built-in support for implementing Kubernetes operators. In this talk, Micronaut committer and Micronaut Kubernetes author Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal, will demonstrate how to implement Kubernetes operators in Java with Micronaut.

🟠 11:15 – 11:45 Daniel Brumușescu, Lead Java Software Engineer Epam

Google Docs API (Java)

🟠12:30 – 13:30 Zineb Bendhiba, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat

Integrating systems in the age of Quarkus, serverless and Kafka

Have you ever got the task to implement an exchange of data between two systems that were not designed to communicate with each other? I bet you have, and I dare to introduce a couple of tools and approaches making the task easier to accomplish.

🟠 13:30 – 14:00 Marian Gradea, Software Engineer, Enterprise Coffee Community Cognizant Softvision

Best use of Kafka Streams with Spring Boot

🟠15:00 – 15:45 Jonathan Vila, Software Engineer & Java Champion at Tetrate

Dare to test your Prod on CI. Hold my drink, and check the Testcontainers

We all know about the importance of testing, we do our unit tests, we continue with our integration tests….. but in each case we are always testing isolated features and we use mocks for those things not important in those tests….. So what about testing everything with real layers and all together ? And, even better, having that big test encapsulated in our project test suits and runnable locally and from our CI… Here is where Testcontainers appear.

🟠 15:45 – 16:15 Andrei Uhr, Client Solutions Business Unit Specialist at Dell Technologies

Angular 2+ or React JS?

🟠 16:15 – 17:00 David Gomez, Developer Advocate at AxonIQ

Leveraging CompletableFutures in Java to handle Asynchronous Queries

The challenges of developing applications recently have increased. With the popularity of cloud environments, the scalability required by new architectures and the need to support more load efficiently, been an increase in attention that we need to pay to concurrency and efficiency. One strategy to achieve that efficiency consists of distributing the modules of your application in several different smaller components running concurrently. But one of the problems that arise from such distribution of running modules comes when you need to send a request (and wait for the response) to several different modules. How do you design that request(s)-response(s) to be as efficient as possible?

Besides these captivating panels, you can also find so many innovative business solutions from our partners. We are so grateful for their support and we want to share their solutions with you.

eSolutions is a tech company that develops integrated, complex and secure solutions, with an emphasis on improving the business processes behind the software. They build, implement and develop Big Data solutions for key market verticals, using microservice architectures, for stable and scalable applications.

Luxoft offers the full spectrum of enterprise technology services, from modernizing legacy IT systems to delivering digital transformation at scale.

ITSS is more than just a software provider. Since 2001, ITSS has been committed to delivering banking technology services and solutions to banks and financial institutions worldwide. As a Temenos partner, they’ve supported over 220+ Temenos clients as a system integrator for all Temenos products : Transact, FCM, Islamic banking, TAP, Multifonds, Inclusive banking, Infinity etc.

NXP is a global semiconductor company creating solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world. Their modern motor control solutions is designed to enhance operational safety and efficiency across factory and building automation applications.

EPAM helps you reimagine your business through a digital lens. Their software engineering heritage combined with their strategic business and innovation consulting, design thinking, and physical-digital capabilities provide real business value to customers through human-centric innovation.

Dell Technologies will present you the latest Dell computers & technology solutions from laptops, desktops, gaming pcs to monitors, workstations & servers.

Our friends from Cognizant Softvision are here to answer to one important question: How is Software defining your business future? From designing & engineering amazing digital software products to transforming business-critical apps, they can really empower your digital culture.

Least but not last, the good energy is powered by L’OR, responsible with the delicious coffee at Future Retail Summit this year.

Wow, it will be pretty impressive for sure and we cannot wait to meet you there!

You can still join us, there are a few more tickets available. Take yours now ➡️



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