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Vector Synergy - Your Gateway to NATO & EU Institutions

Vector Who?

Vector Synergy was first established in 2010 as a response to a niche in the market of security cleared consultancy providers. By its CEO's vision, the company’s main idea was to bring synergy between civilian and security-cleared world, resulting in enhancement of services provided to our clients – NATO and EU institutions. Starting with a personnel of 3, we swiftly grew to what now is a company of over 50 people and still growing.

We provide consultancy services from IT, Cybersecurity and non-IT areas, and we do it efficiently as we are prime providers to institutions like NCIA, EU-Lisa, Eurocontrol and many more. We are also connected with CDeX (Cyber Defence eXercise Platform) who provides Cybersecurity services to their clients.

Mission Possible

Our mission is to deliver services of experts holding security clearance, who speak fluent English and are ready to relocate for the projects. Sounds a bit complex and scary? It isn’t - we are experts in the field and will guide you through the process.

Security Clearance – a James Bond Type of Situation?

Security clearance is a credential allowing you to provide services in secured areas. It’s almost like being in a James Bond movie, minus the cars, Martini, guns and the Queen.

As we hold Industrial Security Clearance, we help our candidates to obtain their personal clearances. It is not the fastest process, as it takes approximately 6 months, but hey, it has its advantages. You have around 6 months to prepare to relocate!

You may ask what are the destinations? Will I find myself there? So here are the answers – main locations are Belgium and the Netherlands, but we also have posts in Germany, France and Portugal. We have consultants in all of those locations, so you won’t be there alone – our super friendly consultants are always happy to help at the beginning of your new contract. Also, recruiters from Vector Synergy assist you on your first day and later, throughout the cooperation, you can always contact your PoC for support – we are there to help 😊.

We aim at long-lasting cooperation, not just one contract.

Tricky aspects? Not really

What we should mention is how we cooperate with our consultants. We work on a B2B basis, but don’t worry, you can open your company when you get your first contract, no need to do it now. You should start 30 days after you are awarded a contract – seems fast, but trust us, it is doable, no problem.

The Chosen One

So one may wonder what to do to get to NATO and/or EU Institutions? The process is simple – first we have non-technical interviews to get to know you better and then obtain the clearance for you. When you get your clearance, we apply once, twice or twenty times – basically as many times as needed to place you at a suitable post, where you will be happy and professionally fulfilled. And then….you live and provide services happily ever after.

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