First of all, it was LIVE and we had the long awaited chance to see each other again.
It's been about a month since the biggest tech event in the CEE took place right here, in Bucharest.
We took some well deserved time, so we can internalize everything we saw, heard and learned. Now it is the perfect time to share with you some highlights from Java Summit.
Many thanks to our Java Summit Partner this year – EPAM – for supporting us!
Ovidiu Sutac from EPAM opened our Java Summit, with a lot of emotions (the good ones though), debating the latest Java trends to keep your eye on.
We started the day intensely with Martin Lippert from VMware with a live-coding session. He showed us how to use Spring-specific tooling in your favorite IDE to be super productive when working on Spring Boot applications.
After the first coffee kicked in, we met Álvaro Sánchez from Oracle who taught us how to implement Kubernetes operators in Java with Micronaut. Of course he introduced us in Micronaut as well, which is this modern highly optimized Java framework for any type of application. The features you might be interested in are the dependency injection, the configuration, the validation support and the AOP (aspect-oriented programming).
Daniel Brumușescu from EPAM brought Google Docs API to discussion showing us how to make our Google Suite work with Java. From the structure of a Google Docs document to structural elements and methods, he had a live presentation for each step but also with all kinds of best learnings from his own experience.
Zineb Bendhiba from Red Hat spoke about Apache Camel, the Swiss knife of integrating heterogeneous systems, dev services such as Kafka and Apache Camel based on Knative no matter the specific languages or EIP (enterprise integration patterns). She also had a LIVE demonstration which was very useful and insightful.
Moving forward, Marian Gradea from Cognizant Softvision took the stage with his input on the best use of Kafka Streams with Spring Boot, with focus on why using Kafka in the first place and easily moving on to real life applications for it.
Jonathan Vila from Tetrate had a more dynamic approach, challenging us to test our Prod on CI, while showing us the benefits of testing everything at once using Testcontainers. He did not only challenged us, but also showed his own use case on the topic.
Andrei Uhr from Dell Technologies completely changed the mood and talked about how Dell Technologies enables Devs to innovate no matter where they work and how they learned to redefine the workplace in order to adapt to these new needs people have.
At the end of the day, David Gomez from AxonIQ told us everything we must know about leveraging Completable Futures in Java to handle Asynchronous Queries, with focus on the different versions of Java and each one's potential in developing code.
But let's not talk too much about ourselves, let them tell you what how they feel about Java Summit experience ⬇️
Still Java Summit, but make it visual ⬇️
Before saying goodbye, we want to properly thank all of our partners who trusted us and supported us to make Java Summit possible.
Until next time, keep in touch on our Facebook & Instagram and our monthly newsletter!